Wonderful Tibetan Monks Debate

Whenever Tibet is mentioned,the usual associations come to mind,Tibetan monks within the Dalai Lama Temple,and you can see young Tibetan monks debate from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM in the traditional Tibetan style.When you walked into a Tibetan monastery,you will hear the sound of emphatic hand clapping clapping and gestures gesticulating.This is so called Tibetan Monks Debate..Explore Tibet Team, a professional Tibet travel agency, Today introduces it to you.

Wonderful Tibetan Monks Debate

Debating, the formal arguing of a thesis has a long and distinguished history in Buddhism,beginning with the Buddha himself.Buddhist scholars success in debating.Thus,debating becomes an integral part of Tibetan monk’s training.For long time,it becomes an effective means of expanding the mind, increasing mental sharpness of monks.There are two parties to the debate,including a defender and a questioner.The questioner is a more experienced debater,while defender is usually a green hand.At first,the questioner standing in the stage,wearing his robe in the customary cloth,with the right shoulder bare.While the defender is sitting.The questioner bends gently toward the defender to raise the questions,while the defender presents his thesis to the questioner.The debate grows increasingly animated, impassioned as the back and forth exchange of questions and answers progresses.

The debate is a special system of logic,they can debate with each other,and learn to work with the concepts they learned in the classes. So it is a good way to train their logical thinking and exact expression. It takes a while to learn this specific technique of logical reasoning.

Comes and experience this magical world of culture with .Explore Tibet Team, you may find the debates are very wonderful.