The Chukor Partridge

Tibet is mystical and famous but yet a remote, distant and a hard to reach place, and there are many kind of animals in this beautiful area. Explore Tibet Team, a professional Tibet travel agency, and today introduce a Tibet animal- Chukor Partridge to you.

The Chukor Partridge

The chukar partridge is native in Asia, along the inner ranges of the Western Himalayas to Nepal. It is also known as quack chicken, red-legged chicken. The chukar partridge has a chubby body with a light brown back, grey breast, and buff belly,and the body length of adult partridge can reach from 32 to 35 cm long. Both female and male chukar partridge are similar, the female slightly smaller in size and lacking the spur.
The chukar partridge has a broad white stripe above its eye, and a complete black ring belt running from the forehead across the eye and running down the head to form a necklace between the cephalic and yellow-brown throat. The upper body of the chukar partridge is in purple tan, with gray chest, brownish yellow abdomen. Besides, it has two rufous flanks, on which well-marked black and white parallel horizontal stripes. The tail has 14 feathers, andits central tail feathers are in brown and gray, while the remaining tail feathers are in chestnut. It has red legs, coral-red beak and feet just as its name red-legged chicken.
The chukar partridge always inhabits on rock slopes and in valleys. They mainly feed on mosses, lichens, and berries, plants, buds, and insects, worms.
Still lacking a vacation plan? Plan your visit to mysterious Tibet, the purest place on the planet!